Emmanuel Baptist Church exists to glorify God by being obedient to His Word and ministering to our community.

Who We Are

We love Jesus, we love His Word, and we love our community. Emmanuel Baptist Church is an evangelical church committed to the Bible. We seek to bring every person to personal faith in Jesus Christ and to help them grow and serve the Lord. Our worship services are a celebration of our faith, blending the contemporary with the traditional.

Our Mission

We seek to bring every person to personal faith in Jesus Christ and to help them grow and serve the Lord by remaining committed to teaching the truths of Scripture and applying them to our lives.

What To Expect

The Scriptures must be central to our gathering and living together.

1). A word-centered gathering of believers.

In short we strive to read the word, sing in alignment with the word, give according to the word, pray in accord with the word, preach the word, and receive and respond to the word. Our goal is the glory of Christ, edifying and equipping of brothers/sisters in Christ, evangelizing sinners, and joy in the gospel. These goals in the gathering will never be a reality apart from the Spirit illumining the Word for regeneration, repentance, renewal, remaining in Christ, and righteousness to the glory of God. We do not strive for mere decisions, but for disciples living all of life to the glory of God. In the gathering of worship, we prefer substance over style, faithfulness over fleshly fads, and the glory of the gospel over the opinion of man.

2). A household of faith that pursues the command to love one another in deed and truth.

We are a multi-generational church from all walks of life united in Christ by the Spirit. In the household of faith we express member care by weeping with those weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice, and bearing one another’s burdens. Along with member care, we also minister to our community to meet physical, family, and spiritual needs.

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.
— 2 Timothy 4:2